The Right To Choose Your Breast Cancer Doctors (Video)

Choose wisely…

If being diagnosed with Breast Cancer and faced with a mastectomy wasn’t bad enough, finding the right team was an additional stress. So many decisions and feeling like you have no choices was not what I agreed to.

Who’s The Right Team

Your two most important hiring decisions are your Plastic Surgeon (if you are getting a mastectomy and reconstruction like me) and your Oncologist. Find out how YOU can be in charge of who you are going to work with and pick your “Dream Team” in the video above.

I am here for you, my sister who is in the same hurdle race I am and we will fight together to take back our lives.

Please Share

If you find this video helpful or if it could benefit someone you know and love facing Breast Cancer then please share with them and on your social networking sites and pass it along as well as comment below. I would love to hear from you.

6 thoughts on “The Right To Choose Your Breast Cancer Doctors (Video)”

  1. It is so comforting to have someone like Sandy who is willing to share her experiences in an honest, personalized way. I almost felt as though she was doing all my leg work for me regarding picking my cancer team. I am honored to know you and have you as my cancer sister.

    Linda Caddell

    1. Hey Linda,

      Thanks for your comments and that’s my goal…I will go before ye to lay the path to help decrease the overwhelm. You are such a special woman and I am proud to call you my sista!!! Sending you lots of hugs!

  2. Hi Sandy, I really wish you all the best with this experience in your life. I was really touched by your strength while watching the video. One thing I would like to mention is that I encourage you to look at herbal remedies as well because they can be very successful. There is one amazing Dr. in the US named Dr. Burzynzski who has a fabulous practice and has helped thousands of patients successfully.
    Please look him up on the internet because he is amazing.
    All the very best and my prayers are with you and your family.

    1. Hi Linda,

      I agree with the herbal aspect. As I move from medical to more holistic my videos will start reflecting integrative therapies. I started with a holistic intervention soon after diagnosis which is why I think I am healing so well after the mastectomy (video to come) but I had to choose the medical option to get out what we saw and to live. So stay tuned. 🙂

      I will check out Dr. Burzynzski for sure. Thanks for sharing…keep commenting.

  3. Sherri Rosenbaum


    First of all, I love that you are able to still smile and find humor during this trying time! I hope you can get the “upgrade” that you are hoping for! 🙂
    Your message of fighting for doctors and situations that you are comfortable with is such an important one. You are literally fighting for your life and you need to feel like you have the best possible team fighting along with you!
    Thank you for taking us on this very personal journey with you. You are already making a difference!
    Much love,
    Sherri Rosenbaum

    1. Thank you Sherri for commenting and you are so right…we are fighting for our lives and we need to be in charge of our direction.

      Sending you love and hugs!

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